December 30, 2008

8 to 9

There is a time for everything.
As I anticipate 2008 to come at the end of 2007, as if drinking a good bottle of wine, 2008 is down to its last drop soon.
Being a STM (short-term memory) person, I hardly could think of much of 2008 unless its in a span of plus minus 30 mins. I'll do better in 2009 since I now blog. Some flashback:
2007 became 2008.

Aung turned 35

We donated heavily to road tax, erp, gas and parking offences with our trusty Latio.

Gee turned 31 and decided that it was a good year to stay closer to God and further away from us - I mean to choose between us and GOD.... you better not choose US.

Aung and myself along with Eileen and Claude went to a to die for ali-lia resort in cha-am for my 30th birthday.

Maoster was a joy all 12 months.

We visited my sister twice in Vietnam - once in July and now as I am typing this. Both times, I ate like a pig while Maoster basically only had one thing to say - swimming pool. That's all he wanted to do.

Work was good for good 8 months or so and sucked for 4 months where sales basically is 0.

I found myself pregnant again for the 2nd time and found myself miscarriaged for the first time.

HL got pregnant which is really one of the happiest thing that happen for Nehemiah.

Miriam got pregnant and at last bringing up the ratio of girls in church to come.

There were about 3 weddings that I attended

Mother Thong lost his dad this year and well, I sort of lost my god-grandpa.

Gee went to Canada and well is now living in 2 time zones.

The economy turned so bad that I think either I really had to work harder or I need not work any harder again the next year.

Cell group was established and Aung family become members.

We continued to serve in the music ministry and Maoster a follower in our ministry

Yishun 9am celebrated its 10th year

I celebrated my 12th year in YCCA (Anglican) chinese

Aung and myself celebrated 4th year of our marriage

I am still fat and surprisingly happy and all my funny bones intact

Aung got us Mio Tv which basically embarrasingly some of my fav tv shows are Masterchef goes Large and Do you look good naked which is really crap esp the latter but how do u resist looking at women far larger and sorry with more cellulite than I already had.... seriously therapeutic!

Maoster acknowledged us as parents and now calls us more than we wanted or appreciated - mostly when we are in the middle of either a conversation, a nap, our favourite program or the most unforgiving during sex.

I can't really remember if I made new friends ( i mean if new staffs are counted???)

Aung got himself an iPhone in the name of giving it to me but nah.... i only hold it when he is not on it which is about 10 mins a day when he is driving

I read a few good reads - like the kite runner etc etc etc

I hardly exercised

I cooked almost all weekends

Aung who is always didn't win anything in his life won $160 of robinsons voucher during his D&D which i spent it on bras and he on shoes. He think he had turned lucky for once.

The issues of why orange and yellow are always so irritating constantly torment us and I am forever in Jaundiced.

Elvis is yeah still alive

We went to Y10 music retreat during NDP period

I led worship leading on x-mas this year.

Not sure if I did anything else good or bad this year .... or anything that I forgot to mentioned it here. Do you know what I missed out? Let me know, okay? Bye 2008, looking forward to 2009!

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