May 20, 2009

Both 31....

At 31 years old, I realised that I am no where near I am supposedly imagined to be....

I can't quite iron my own clothes, keep my house clean or pack my luggage when I am on a trip alone.

I cannot park parallel and still thinks that fast food are one of the best foods on earth.

I would lick my finger cleaned and doesn't see the point of washing my hands and feet when I get home.

I get cranky when people wake me up in the middle of my sleep and I get really excited over birthday celebrations, weddings etc.

At 31 months, Maoster still refused to tell me when he needs to poo and pee.

He still runs to our bed in the middle of the night if we put him on his own bed.

He laughs over silly cartoons and loves to pretend he is a dog.

He can't stand wearing a bib and he goes crazy when you say ICE CREAM.

I mean, we're both 31. Hey we're the same lah!

Maoster at 31 months. Still so cute right?