March 15, 2010

The same prayer?

My son is a emo plus super feeling boy. I was 10 mins late to pick him up from school and he was kept in this room and a teacher was playing ball with him. Apparantly halfway through the game, he remembered me and started sobbing. Those tears dripping, soft cry that grew to a choking can't breathe but still quiet sobs sorts.
I was shocked to find him sobbing so miserably. I asked him why is he crying so sadly? He says I forgot about him and he wants me. Gosh, I almost slapped myself for spending that extra time on trying on clothes that obviously can't fit me.
In the car, I text Gee and told her that I better pray that my emo boy better not marry a cia (bitchy) woman next time cos he will be bullied!
The reply I got? Well, my MIL probably said the same prayer. Hmmmmmm......... anything I missed?


pangsim said...

good reply from Gee, probably this will come true

NarutoKuN said...

A good one.

everlynn said...

hahaha this very funny.
but im sure with your "careful planning" he will be stronger tougher and meaner..

Dash said...

Ahahah! Gee is so funny!