January 23, 2014


I have to let this out. I find farmers really sexy. I imagine big strong men, working hard in the fields of corns, tomatoes, turnips, lettuces to be very very very sexy. Their sexy index increases IF they also own some free range hens, cows, pigs and a horse or 2. Would be great if they could cook too.

I imagine myself having a long table in the middle of the field /farm hosting this grand dinner of roast and some fresh salad from the farm. With cheese, wines and olives galore. I feel the warmth of the evening sun shining on my face and the cool chill wind slightly blowing at my direction. I can even hear the laughter of people; nonsesnsical meaningless conversations going around. Children running around, lying on the soil and getting excited over almost anything. There is no rush. There is no schedule. There is no what-to-do next. There is only now. Miles and miles of nothingness surrounds my guests and I and we allow time to pass at their own pace and care less of what is to come.

And now sitting in my corner of my table where NONE of these sights and sounds are in place - I am shamelessly using my office hours to day dream.

Join me in my field of imagination. Of roasts and greens, of peace and tranquility.


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