February 10, 2014

Being Frank.

And so, Frank said in some parts of the song,
Something in your eyes was so inviting
Something in you smile was so exciting
Something in my heart told me I must have you
and Frank said,
Ever since that night we've been together
Lovers at first sight, in love forever
It turned out so right for strangers in the night
Love was just a glance away, a warm embracing dance away
I love this song. This is one of those Frank's songs that will make me stop whatever I am doing to listen to it. I imagined this was LOVE. Inviting, exciting, so driven by love and lust and feeling so RIGHT together all the time.
But FRANK(LY), is this really TRUE?
The frank facts are:
  1. We do not gaze into each other's eyes longingly. Is that a new dress? (I had this for 10 years)
  2. We raise brows at each other that reads "YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG (AGAIN )"
  3. Our smses consist of mundane/ boring to do lists and reminders.
  4. We nudged/pushed each other to sleep a bit more to your side because there is no more space at my side.
  5. There are no more fantasies about each other - with or without clothes.
  6. Fine dining is a waste of money. You buy gifts that are practical - like an oven, a shaver, socks even!  Wait, what gifts? You want something, just buy lah.
  7. I just want you to be happy - oh really, please switch OFF the lights if you are the last person awake and if you are the first to wake, please dun make switch ON the lights cos that will wake me up and worse still, wake my kids up.
  8. And we stop asking each other and quite honestly embarrassing stupid questions such as" Do you love me or make bold statements like "I love you.

We are in a "working" relationship, whereby we make things happen. And this NOT only include the baby making part of our lives. This is where we are chauffers, maids, cooks, deliverymen, technicians, translators, negotiators, lawyers, auditors etc of our home that we build together. Day after day, months after months, years after years, we are moulded to operate together, strangely and sometimes I resist saying this, we morph into each other and become one another.

This means:
  1. I now could go shopping and look at the boxes that contained the item rather than the item itself.
  2. I know more about plants, animals and why good erasers are made of polymer fibre.
  3. I begin using toothbrush that are "soft" instead of "hard".
  4. I understand a little more about texture, shapes and sizes.
  5. I make coffee or milo with 2/3rds of hot water and 1/3 of room tempreture water.
  6. I know that sometimes less is more, especially in pizza toppings.
  7. I look at Lego and let it go under approved purchases alongside endless of thumbdrives.
  8. I will now buy ang ku kwey that is in bean paste.
  9. Ya Kun is no longer a stupid place.
  10. I also bend the shoes before I buy them for my children.
And the scary list goes on.

And, then, one realised that we have become one like the good book said. And I guess, quite frankly is this what Frank is saying, that love is just a glance away? One glance is all it takes? To know if he has been naughty or nice, faraway or near?

And then, the song of Frank is on loop and I smile. Being ONE, is better than being two. We build a home for our hearts together.

Happy V- Day everyone! ( Doing this post earlier to stay away from the loving crowd and before I change my mind about proclaiming about love!)


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